Books I Forgot That I Owned

Sometimes you go through an old box of books and discover a bunch of books that you forgot you owned. Did you set the books aside to be donated? Was the box just overflow because your bookshelves are full?

You'll never know because you don't remember. BUT you've now rediscovered these books, and you've got to figure out what to do with them.

Check out this YouTube video where I talk about these forgotten books, which ones I'm going to donate and keep, and how I donate my books (Little Free Library, anyone?).

These are the books featured in the video with links to either their Amazon product page or my past review of them:

Somebody Someday by Robbie Williams

No Regrets Parenting by Harley A. Rotbart

The People Factor by Van Moody

The Money Book for the Young, Fabulous & Broke by Suze Orman

My Life Map by Kate and David Marshall

Torn by Justin Lee

The Murder of Princess Diana by Noel Botham

Love You More by Jennifer Grant
