Apple-Themed Teacher Gift

By this point, most of your kids have been out of school for a few weeks, so you probably already did end-of-year teacher gifts. My daughter stays in preschool/daycare through the end of July, and then starts back up again in September. So for me, this was the week we sent her to school with "end of year" gifts.

You might recall that I made some cute apple-stamped tote bags during March's National Craft Month. That was the base of these themed gifts.

Inside the bags, I added a bottle of sparkling apple cider, an apple pencil cup, a mini sunflower in a pot with a picture of an apple on top and the words "Thanks for helping me grow" printed on it, apple Jolly Ranchers, and an Apple iTunes gift card.

The pencil cup and sunflower were from the Target $ spot. That is such a great place to find inexpensive gifts, especially for teachers and especially right now because it's back-to-school season, so there are a lot of school-themed items in that section.

I made up two of these bags, one for each of Daphne's preschool teachers. I hope they like them!

These could also be a fun idea if you're doing back-to-school teacher gifts. An apple for the teacher! I've got some other fun teacher gift ideas pinned in my Teacher Gifts Pinterest board. Check it out!
