How to Earn the Daisy Trail Adventure Badge

For the Daisy Trail Adventure badge, I split it into two meetings: one meeting was about preparing for an outdoor adventure, and the second meeting was actually going on that adventure. 

 Here's what we did to earn this badge:

1. Choose your outdoor adventure

To save time (and because the girls were 5), I chose the outdoor adventure. There is a park in our town with flat hiking trails and a playground. I decided that we could do a short hike, and then play on the playground after.

2. Prepare for your adventure

At our first meeting, we prepared by drawing pictures of different outdoor adventures the girls wanted to go on. The girls were 5, so most of their pictures were just self-portraits with some trees. Then, I asked them to draw a picture of themselves hiking up a trail. (These pictures looked similar to the first ones.)

Then I took two posterboards and labeled one "What to Bring" and one "Outdoor Safety". On What to Bring, I wrote down the girls' suggestions for what to wear on an outdoor adventure and things to bring: closed-toe shoes, water, snack, backpack, hat, jacket, etc. On the other posterboard,  I wrote down safety tips: always tell someone where you're going, don't go hiking alone, stay on the path, etc.

Per the Volunteer Toolkit instructions, we played Run Like an Animal. The girls walked like turtles, ran like horses, sprinted like cheetahs, jogged liked pigs, and crawled like crabs. I think the point of this exercise was to show girls that it's fun to get moving. But still kind of a reach for the outdoor adventure topic.

We also talked about ways to get ready for an outdoor adventure: get a good night's sleep, eat a healthy breakfast, etc. And then we practiced doing some stretches because working your muscles is also a good way to prepare for an outdoor adventure.

3. Go on your outdoor adventure

We chose a Saturday that worked for everyone and met at the park to hike and play on the playground.

Has your Daisy troop earned the Trail Adventure badge? What outdoor activity did your troop pick?
