How to Earn the Honest & Fair Daisy Petal

At our third Daisy meeting, we started earning the Daisy Petals. Our first petal was the Honest & Fair Petal, or Lupe's petal. This is the light blue petal.

I think the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK) has been updated since we earned this petal, and I'm glad for that because during my time as a Daisy troop leader, I HATED the suggestions from the VTK. I'll get more into it when I post about the Daisy Journey our troop earned, but I just didn't think many of the activities geared toward 5-and 6-year-olds were interesting or age-appropriate.

Here's what we did to earn this petal:

1. Discover what it means to be honest

I read the girls Lupe's Story, which I found in the VTK. While I read, the girls colored pictures of Lupe the Lupine, which I also found in the VTK. Then, we talked about the story. (A lot of these petal activities were talk-heavy.) I told the girls that one way to be honest is to tell the truth when someone asks you a question. I asked them what being honest meant to them.

2. Discover what it means to be fair

Then, I asked them what being fair meant to them. Some of the suggestions I offered were sharing a snack with a friend, taking turns with a friend, and letting someone else pick the movie on movie night.

3. Put it into practice 

To put it into practice, we played the Island Game, which is basically musical chairs with newspapers. Instead of chairs, you place newspapers on the ground. You'll have one less newspaper than the number of girls in your troop. When the music starts, the girls dance, jump, or walk around, and when the music stops, they have to stand on the newspaper island closest to them. If a girl can't find an island, she's out. 

I reminded the girls that they couldn't bump or push each other, nor could they run onto an island that isn't near them because those actions aren't honest or fair. 

After the girls played, I asked them if they thought they'd played fairly. The VTK wanted me to ask them if they felt they wanted to get onto an island no matter what and if there were any hard feelings from the other Daisies. 

Then, I asked the girls for ways that they can be honest and fair at home and at school. Some of the suggestions I offered were following the rules of a game, taking turns choosing things to do, sharing with others, telling the truth, and including others in games.

My meeting notes say that the girls signed a paper or poster that said, "I will do my best to be honest and fair", but honestly, I don't remember doing this. Sometimes running these meetings gets so overwhelming that I forget to say or do things. We're just so close to the end that I'm like, "And we're done!" LOL

What did your troop do to earn this petal? How often do you use the VTK to help plan your meetings?
