Must-Have Baby Gear for New Moms

A few years ago, I wrote a blog post about the baby gear that I was most excited about using. While all of those products served their purpose for me then, I've gone through a few more years of the baby- and kid-hood, and there are some additional baby essentials that I feel every new mom needs.

Baby Carrier

Specifically, the Chicco Coda Infant Carrier or the BabyBjorn Carrier One. I was never a fan of baby wraps because they were cumbersome, not stretchy enough, and my baby didn't feel secure. (Although, four years too late I got to try out the Flow Stretchy Baby Wrap from We Made Me and that was pretty awesome.) So for me, a structured carrier was a must - and a godsend. 

You can get baby carriers that are five-in-one, but really, I think all you need is a carrier that can be worn on the front with baby inward-facing and outward-facing. If you're the kind of person who goes hiking and you want to carry a baby on your back, then put that function high on your list of needs. 

And why do you need a baby carrier? Because it allows you to hold your baby while also keeping your hands free. This comes in handy when you're out and about, but you can also keep the baby close while folding laundry or putting away dishes.

Diaper Genie

Babies poop and pee, so one of the important newborn essentials is a Diaper Genie. I know the Diaper Genie is a brand name from Playtex, and that is the one that I used, but really, anything similar will do the trick if you're going to use disposable diapers. They sell deodorizer things that stick on the inside of the Diaper Genie lid, but I didn't think they ever did much. Also, don't be fooled when the box of refills you buy says that it will last a whole year, or whatever the claim is. It will last you a few months. Babies poop and pee a lot.

Cart and Highchair Cover

You may not be going out much with your baby right now due to COVID-19, but if you are or when you do, a cart and highchair cover is a must. These must-have baby products easily stretch over the shopping cart's seat and handlebar so that baby isn't sitting in germs. There are usually pockets for holding a bottle or a small toy to keep the baby busy while you shop. The one I had from Infantino even had a teether attached to it. Just make sure you buckle the cover in properly for safety.

Baby Bathtub

Infants don't really need to be bathed that often, but when it is bathtime, place them in something comfortable and safe with a specific baby tub. Most of these can fit in a regular bathtub or a large sink, depending on where you prefer to do the washing. I had the Rinse 'n Grow Tub from Fisher-Price that I used in our regular tub. It came with a newborn insert that raised my baby up while also keeping the warm water covering her just a little bit. As she got older, I removed the insert and she could sit in the tiny tub and play. 

I also really liked the Summer Infant Comfort Height Bathtub. There's a removable base that can also be used as a stepstool at the sink or a seat for the parent when sitting tubside.

On-the-Go Booster Seat

Most restaurants and fast food places have highchairs for you to use, and I did use them with my daughter. However, I also had an on-the-go booster seat that we brought with us to the grandparents' houses or to places where we weren't sure if a highchair would be provided. 

I received the Safety 1st Sit, Snack & Go Convertible Booster at my baby shower. It was great because it folded into a compact size for travel, and the base could be adjusted as my kid grew. The tray was removable and easy to wash. And it was easy to strap the booster onto just about any chair.

Rocking Chair/Glider

A rocking chair is a staple in baby nurseries. I think that if you can swing it, you should go with a glider. A glider moves forward and backward but without the up and down motion and the danger of someone's toes getting trapped underneath a rocker's legs.

What I really wanted was a glider with a reclining seat...but it was too expensive and my husband said no. Of course, he was rarely the one falling asleep in the baby's room in the middle of the night.


Something else to add to the list of baby must-haves is a cool-mist humidifier. One of the best baby shower gifts I received was a Crane Drop Humidifier. We used that thing all the time whenever my daughter had the sniffles. (And as a daycare kid, she had them a lot.) I would recommend that you use distilled water in the humidifier, especially if your sink water is hard. And don't forget to clean your humidifier or it defeats the purpose.


If I had known now what I knew then, I would have done things differently on this front. Here's what I did: we had a Graco Pack 'n Play in our bedroom to keep our baby nearby during those first few months. But other than that, I don't really think I utilized the Pack'n'Play to its full potential. If I had to do it all over again, I would have moved that thing into our living room much sooner than I did and placed my daughter in it more often to give myself a break.


I would have purchased a Halo Bassinest Swivel Sleeper. It adjusts to your bed height, and it has a 360-degree swivel to keep it close to your bed or even in your own bed while still giving your baby her own separate sleeping space. There's also a nightlight for visibility at night and a nursing timer for breastfeeding moms. I also liked the storage pockets for keeping diapers and wipes handy, and the built-in lullabies, soothing sounds, and vibration.

Sleep Sacks

And speaking of sleep, sleep sacks are must-have baby items! For the first 12 months of life, you can't use a blanket in the crib. Sleep sacks are an easy and safe way to keep your baby warm at night. I liked my Halo SleepSacks, but there are other brands out there. Just make sure they have plenty of room at the bottom to give your baby's legs room to move (hip-healthy). A zipper that can unzip from top to bottom or bottom to top makes it easy to do middle-of-the-night diaper changes.

And that's my list of baby items that I think every new parent needs. What were some products that made your life as a new mom or dad easier? What's on your list of baby registry must-haves?
