How to Make a Vision Board

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You've probably heard it before: it you envision it happening, then it will happen. That's the power of positive thinking, y'all.

Whether it's The Secret (which I haven't read) or You Are a Badass (which I have and highly recommend), the direction of our thoughts can affect our future outcomes.

At least that's the theory. I know that Oprah does vision boards, and things have certainly worked out well for her. So this year, I decided to make my own vision board. How did I do it? Let me tell you!

First, I got some poster board. This definitely took me back to the days of school projects.

Then, I grabbed my scissors, some old magazines (I knew I was saving them for something!), and a comfy seat in front of the TV so I could get cutting. I basically went through the magazines looking for words or images that spoke to things I want to acquire or achieve and feelings I want to have in 2020.

I also cut out some pictures that simply inspired me. I don't think anybody's vision board is complete unless there are pictures of Dolly Parton on it.

I have to admit, I'm pretty good at cutting things out of magazines. Just ask my high school friends. We collaged everything we could get our hands on with cut-out pictures from magazines.

This time, it was a little trickier because I wasn't cutting out pictures of Hanson (although that would be something interesting to add to the vision board...), and People magazine didn't really have a lot of content that fit my vision for 2020.

But I ended up finding enough - more than enough, actually - and I used a glue stick to adhere them all to the poster board.

I did a full-size poster board, but if you wanted to, you could cut the poster board in half and make a smaller vision board, depending on how many pictures/words you want to add.

I don't think there is a right or wrong way to make a vision board. If there is a right way to do it, nobody told me, so I just created one that fit the way I thought a vision board would look.

I'd recommend hanging your vision board in a high traffic area so that you see it often. I'm going to hang it on the wall in my craft room so that I can look at it whenever I'm downstairs scrapbooking or making YouTube videos.

Did you make a vision board for 2020? I'd love to see what your boards look like.
