Lil Rocker Scrapbook Page

Here's a layout I completed for a challenge over at The ScrapRoom. It was a Freaky Fast Formula challenge, which meant we were given guidelines for paper sizes to use, but we could set them up however we wanted to create our layout. And, of course, we could add whatever embellishments and photos we wanted. 

So, here is what I came up:

This picture was taken at the St. Louis Airport. My daughter was getting antsy waiting for the plane, so I let her walk around (with my supervision, of course), and we came upon a whole row of rocking chairs by these big windows. My daughter wanted to sit in all of them! Of course I took a picture.

I titled the layout "Lil Rocker" basically because I had the letters to make that title. Originally I had wanted to call it something else, but oh well.

Most of this used products from one of my The International Scrapbook Garden kits, but I did add some feather stickers from the Cheeky Studio Valentine's 2018 collection because they were blue and matched the blue color scheme in the Bo Bunny patterned papers.

I really liked these Bo Bunny papers, and I still have so many bits and pieces of them left, so I'm sure I'll be creating with them for this year's December/January photos!

I'll keep you posted on whether or not I win the challenge. Doesn't matter if I win or lose - I really like these types of challenges. They're a lot of fun!

Thanks for looking.
