The Real Skinny - Book Review

Alright, ladies. It's April. Did you make a New Year's resolution to lose weight through diet and exercise? Have you also been making excuses to not eat healthy and exercise? No matter what your excuse, Julie Upton and Katherine Brooking have a solution for you. In their book The Real Skinny: Appetite for Health's 101 Fat Habits & Slim Solutions, which hit shelves yesterday, they go through 101 excuses for why people just can't lose weight. Whether you think healthy food tastes bad, you don't know how to cook, you don't have time to work out, or you think detox diets are the way to go, this book tells you why you're wrong and offers solutions to help you eat right and slim down. The book even includes healthy recipes, a checklist of foods you should always have on hand (and foods you shouldn't bring through the door), and a 14-day meal plan to get you started! It covers how to handle business lunches and dinners, a spouse who never seems to gain any weight, and choices you can make when going out to eat.

I especially liked that the book addressed gluten-free diets. Gluten-free foods can actually be higher in calories than gluten-filled foods, so it's important to always read nutrition labels and, when you can, opt for foods that are naturally gluten-free instead of always relying on processed gluten-free foods.

This book is a practical guide to weight loss with easy solutions for eating right and losing weight. If you're having trouble losing weight, if you're constantly making excuses for why you can't work out or eat right, then check out this book!

The Real Skinny is published by Tarcher/Penguin. It is currently available to purchase. I received a free review copy of this book for my honest opinion.
