I believe this cereal came out last year. Do you remember the commercials where the guy travels to Asia or something just so that he can be in a place where it's morning so that it's okay for him to eat the cereal? In those commercials, the cereal looked like flakes. But the cereal I got were in the shape of Os. That's because there are now THREE versions of Kellogg's Crunchy Nut: Golden Honey Nut Flakes, Roasted Nut & Honey Os, and Caramel Nut. The version I got to try was Roasted Nut & Honey Os.
I liked the Roasted Nut & Honey Os, and I think I would like it better than the Golden Honey Nut Flakes. "Corn" flakes tend to get soggy really fast and leave a weird aftertaste in my mouth. But the Os didn't leave a weird taste and stayed crunchy.
And they were sweet! Not too sweet, though. These Os are topped with real peanuts and drizzled with honey. It's not like you're tasting a spoonful of sugar when you eat this cereal. It's just a nice, mild sweetness - perfect for breakfast! I liked this cereal so much that I used one of the coupons I received to go buy a second box!
You can find out more about the Crunchy Nut Cereal on its Facebook page.
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