How to Earn 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Animals Daisy Journey Badge - Meeting 3 Plan

Moving along on this 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Animals Daisy Journey... If I haven't said it already, I will say it here. Because this required so many meetings to complete, we actually did this over the summer when we had more time to meet more frequently. It also meant that we weren't wasting time during the school year trying to earn a Journey when we could have been working on petals and other badges. 

Meeting Plan 3 for 5 Flowers, 4 Stories, 3 Animals Daisy Journey:

Animals Around the World

To start the meeting, the girls brought the lion coloring pages they'd colored at home and glued them onto our Team Animal Mural. The mural was actually the only thing from this Journey that got carried through multiple meetings.

Next, I shared fun facts about cheetahs, and asked the girls to draw their own version of a cheetah right on the Team Animal Mural. 

working on the mural

Story Time: The First Stories

I read the Girl Scouts story "A Little Birdie Told Me", which I found in the Volunteer Toolkit (VTK). I asked the girls to act like the animals as I read.

Then we talked about the story. In it, the Flower Friends notice what makes them special. I asked the girls to share things that make them special and unique. 

Per the instructions in the VTK, I had to explain to the girls that Daisy flowers were white and yellow, and yet the Daisy tunic/vest is blue. I asked the girls how they think the Daisy tunic got its color, and we started a story, each person taking a turn to add a sentence to the story until everyone had gotten a turn.

Going On a Bear Hunt

I'm not sure that this was the exact activity suggested in the VTK, but it was a fun active activity that tied into animals. I played a "Going on a Bear Hunt" song on my phone, and we all stood up and acted out the parts. 

In terms of all five meetings, this one was probably the easiest. It involved drawing and coloring, and movement, two things my energetic and crafty troop likes. What does your troop like? What badges or Journeys have been successful for you? Please share in the comments!
