Online Nourished Festival Fall 2022 - Meet the Sponsors!

There's some BIG news about the Nourished Festival! Yes, the fall online Nourished Festival is happening October 15-16, 2022, and you can register to attend for free here:

BUT in 2023, Nourished Festival will switch to a hybrid model with two in-person shows: June 3 & 4, 2023 in Secaucus, NJ, and October 14 & 15, 2023 in Grayslake, IL. 

I am so glad that one of the in-person shows is local to me! It's been too long since we've been able to sample, shop, and socialize face-to-face within the gluten-free community.

However, as mentioned above, the Nourished Festival is doing another virtual expo this month, and you won't want to miss it: discounts, giveaways, classes, and more! This is the weekend to check out your favorite allergen-friendly brands and discover new ones!

Let's take a look at some of the show's sponsors:

Gluten Intolerance Group

The Gluten Intolerance Group (GIG) has been providing support, education, and food safety since 1974. That was before gluten-free was "cool". The organization offers support groups across the country and internationally, and that includes groups for kids with Celiac Disease, too! GenerationGF helps build confidence in gluten-free kids through a free magazine and support groups. For older kids, there is also a yearly Teen Summit.

Many gluten-free brands go through the GFCO certification process to have their gluten-free foods certified gluten-free, and that's thanks to GIG. GIG also helps hospitals and restaurants become validated gluten-free safe spots to give you more comfort when eating out. 

And through GIG Cares, the organization donates gluten-free products to those in need.


Along with its award-winning tofu, Hodo also makes plant-based egg scrambles and plant-based meat products, including Mexican crumbles, "chicken" nuggets, and veggie burgers. You can find Hodo products in 10,000 retail stores.

ELISA Technologies

This company created the EZ Gluten test kit to test foods for gluten. These tests quickly detect the presence of gluten in foods and beverages down to 10 parts per million (ppm). It's a simple, fast, and accurate way to test your foods both at home and on the go to protect you from accidental gluten exposure.

Canyon Bakehouse

I can speak from personal experience that Canyon Bakehouse is THE gluten-free bread. It's the only one that my husband will eat. The company, which has been around for more than 10 years, recently released two new items: dinner-style brioche rolls (available in the fresh bread aisle) and Hawaiian dinner rolls (available in the freezer aisle). Check the Canyon Bakehouse website to see where its products are available near you and find free resources, such as recipes, ebooks, and coupons.

I hope you attend this FREE virtual expo! It's a wonderful resource for those of us with dietary restrictions. Let me know how many Nourished Festivals you've attended!
