Conscious Service Book Review

If the COVID-19 pandemic taught us anything, it's that those working in the service industry are burnt out. As author Elizabeth Bishop writes in her new book Conscious Service, "service providers are human like everybody else, and we are at risk by the very nature of her work." So if you're a teacher, a nurse, a therapist, etc., then you'll want to read this book. It's filled with 10 ways to reclaim your calling, move beyond burnout, and make a difference without sacrificing yourself.

Despite this book being geared toward those in the service industry, I found that the book's advice could be applied to any person in any industry. We all experience stress at times, whether on the job or in our personal lives. And Bishop's ideas are a great way for anybody to cope with that stress. 

Use this book how you need to: reading it from cover to cover or perusing the table of contents and reading only the chapters that fit what you need right now. That could be refinding your purpose, embracing responsibility (and defining what you're responsible to and for), learning how to better communicate, and developing your leadership skills.

Bishop is the creator of The Conscious Service Approach, using her own experiences in the service industry and experiencing self-destructive behaviors due to stress and burnout to enhance the experience of service providers and the quality of service they offer. But as I wrote above, I think Bishop's tips can enhance the experience of any person and the quality of their work.

Conscious Service is published by Hazelden Publishing and is available to purchase now. I received a free review copy.
