December Challenge YOUrself Challenge: Anything Goes + Scrapbook Process #183

Today my usual Tuesday scrapbook process video is also for the December Challenge YOUrself challenge, and the theme couldn't be better for this time of year: Anything Goes! That means that you can do whatever you want on your scrapbook layout as long as there is a photo of YOU on the page!

Here is what I came up with, inspired by a half-page design from Shimelle and creating individual clusters for photos, which is something I've enjoyed doing on several other scrapbook pages this year. You can watch my full process video here.

I used A LOT of leftover pieces from my November Best of Both Worlds kit, and creating the little clusters behind the photos was perfect for this. So these are all basically fall-themed embellishments and papers, HOWEVER, I am not using for a fall layout. These are photos from when we lost power during Tropical Storm Isaias in 2020.

I totally forgot to print these photos and scrapbook them. I don't know how I managed that! This was a big event for us because we were without power for two days and had to order take-out for dinner. (Not that I was complaining about that.)

I'm glad I finally got the photos on a page. I still have one more from this "story", but I'm going to do a separate layout with it. I hope I can easily fit all of these pages into my summer 2020 album, which I had already put together when I realized that I was missing stuff! Argh!

So that's it! Thanks for looking!
