Animal Town Book Review

Animal Town is a place where all animals live free - much like our modern-day democratic and capitalist society. That is until a predator kills a prey, something that hasn't happened in generations, and harmony is disturbed. 

A.D. Ultman's Animal Town takes its cue from Orwell's Animal Farm, using animals to point out the absurdities of modern-day politics. A bear police officer killing a jackrabbit and the ensuing aftermath is reminiscent of police officers killing Black Americans and Black Lives Matter. A weasel mayoral candidate sounds and acts a lot like President Trump, and the name of Judge Cavendish - a mountain lion - sounds an awful lot like Judge Kavanaugh. 

This cautionary tale of far-right and far-left political extremism is geared toward "the youth of America", according to its press release. I'd say high schoolers would probably be able to follow the story and see similarities between Animal Town and the U.S., although the novel does get rather gruesome toward the end. Not for weak stomachs. That goes for adult readers, too.

This short book will definitely make readers think, and I'd recommend reading this Flaunt interview with the author to understand more of where he's coming from. 

The only thing I will say about the book is that I was really hoping the younger generation of animals would stand up and make change happen - moving past the politics of their parents, which clearly wasn't working. Well, that's not the way it happens in the book, but maybe that can be the way it happens in real life?

Animal Town is published by Di Angelo Publications and is available to purchase now. I received a free review copy.
