If you are a Trump-supporting Christian, then you need to read Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age by Collin Hansen and Sarah Eekhoff Zystra. With passages encouraging Christians to live with honor by "choosing to wear a mask even if it makes you uncomfortable" and having hope that "doesn't crack when the election doesn't go the right way", who else can I assume this book is geared toward?
I recently read a Christian book on hope that was about finding hope through personal pain and looking toward the examples of Jesus experiencing pain as a human being. Gospelbound is almost the opposite. It's about finding hope even when society accepts transgender people as mainstream.
And if you know me, then you know how I feel about that.
I more closely identify with Red Letter Christians and Reconciling Lutherans. So when I read other Christians complaining that they're being persecuted because they have to provide birth control through insurance or because God isn't taught in public schools, I just want to start playing the world's smallest violin.
Jesus was persecuted, yes. He was killed! Black people are being persecuted. They're being killed. Homosexuals are being persecuted. This whole country has been nothing but different groups being persecuted - jailed, beaten, murdered - simply for being non-white, non-male, and non-straight.
So tell me again how American Christians are being persecuted?
I did like reading how it's important to find common ground and work together with people who are different from you, and how Christians need to be open-minded. "Even if your enemy lives next door, if you're a Christian, Jesus said you must love and pray for them." In fact, two of the "gospelbound Christian" traits are caring for the weak and loving your enemy.
I finished this book, made a lot of notes, wished I could have discussed and/or debated this with someone, and am now going through answering the reader questions in the back of the book. This wasn't my favorite book, but I have to keep in mind that not every "Christian" book is going to be my cup of tea because I don't always share the same views of typical Christians.
Gospelbound: Living with Resolute Hope in an Anxious Age is published by Multnomah and is available to purchase now. I received a free e-ARC in exchange for this review.
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