In a future world where humans have destroyed the moon, everybody takes driverless ubers, and bots have taken over the jobs humans don't want to do, such as dentist, there's a humanoid bot named Jared who just so happens to be a dentist. Oh, and he also starts to have feelings.
Jared is the main character in Simon Stephenson's Set My Heart to Five, a charming story that combines a first-person narrative with screenplay-style interludes.
Spurred on by a fellow doctor friend and a newfound love of old movies, Jared escapes his routine bot life and a summons to be wiped, and heads to California to make a movie sympathetic to bots. At least that's his goal. He manages to attend a screenwriting class where he wows the teacher and producer with his script. He also falls in love with his female co-worker.
But bots are not allowed to have feelings, and movies that show bots in a good light are not well-received, so what can Jared do?
This book is about more than bot prejudice. It uses bots to point out the absurdity of humans and how we fear whatever is different without giving it a chance.
Set My Heart to Five is published by Hanover Square Press and will be on bookstore shelves tomorrow! I received a free e-ARC in exchange for my review.
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