Strong Kids - Children's Book Review

Our children are resilient, especially during the past few months, right? But it takes guidance for kids to learn how to process their thoughts and feelings, and gain control over their emotions for more positive days, even during a quarantine. Jennifer Keitt and Naomi Keitt's new book #StrongKids uses colorful illustrations (by Morgan Holmes) and simple prose to help kids between the ages of 3 to 6 learn social and emotional skills.

Jennifer is a human behavioral consultant and media veteran, while Naomi (her daughter) is a news reporter. They wrote this book together to not only help parents deal with common behavioral problems but to give children the skills to control what they're thinking, feeling, and behaving. This book speaks directly to the kids, showing them how their feelings are a cause of their thoughts. So happy thoughts make you feel happy, while sad thoughts make you feel sad.

But ultimately, as the title of the book suggests, kids are in control over their thoughts and feelings. Kids are strong enough to change negative thinking so that their thoughts don't take them down.

The back of the book includes four cut-apart cards that parents can use to initiate conversation with their kids about what emotions look like and what makes the child mad, happy, sad, and loving.

I liked the cut-apart cards because I feel like it helped me extend the book's message with my 4-year-old. And, of course, it's important for kids to be able to recognize emotional cues, so seeing happy, sad, angry, etc. faces throughout the book is really great. And getting kids thinking about what causes them to feel a certain way can definitely help them understand how important positive thinking is in creating a happier mood. (And goodness knows, as an adult, I've been reading so much about how positive thinking begets positive things in your life.)

If you're a parent looking for a way to boost your child's social and emotional skills, then #StrongKids is a fun and kid-friendly way to do it. Our kids are already so strong in what they've been enduring lately. Let's help make them stronger!

#StrongKids is published by TJ Communications Inc., and is available to purchase now. I received a free review copy.
