June 2020 To-Read List

Another month of reading begins! Usually at the beginning of June, I have a bunch of ARCs picked up from BookExpo and BookCon. This year, because of COVID-19, both shows went virtual, so while I was still able to participate in a lot of great panels, there weren't any books being handed out.

Don't worry - I have been receiving ARCs through NetGalley, so stay tuned for reviews of some fall titles, and check out what's on my to-read list right now!

Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
I've been reading this duo's latest Aurora series and totally didn't realize that the first book from their Illuminae series has been sitting on my to-read shelf since 2015.

No Good Deed by Goldy Moldavsky
This is another one that's been on my to-read shelf for a few years. Picked up an ARC at BookExpo back in 2017.

For All Humankind by Tanya Harrison, PhD, and Danny Bednar, PhD
This could be a good one for a Father's Day gift if you've got a history buff dad. It's how the moon landing affected people all over the world.

Why We Love Star Wars by Ken Napzok
One of the hosts of the ForceCenter podcast writes a book about the memorable moments in the Star Wars saga and why they resonate so much with fans. Could also be a good Father's Day gift!

False Front by Debbie Baldwin
The lives of two childhood friends collide, but are their grown-up selves putting on false fronts?

Forks Over Knives Family Cookbook by Alone Pulde MD; Matthew Lederman, MD; and Darshana Thacker
More than 125 recipes to help your kids eat a whole foods, plant-based diet

House of Dragons by Jessica Cluess
Young adult fantasy about five royal houses competing for the dragon throne. This book just came out in May.

The Grouchy Historian by Ed Asner
Former The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Up actor defends the constitution from right-wing loonies using historical context.
