Alphabet Kid Summer Letter D Week Recap

This was one of those weeks where you realize you are NOT making it work.

You are NOT having it all.

You are DONE.

I had things planned for our letter D week, and the week started off okay. We read the book Eating the Alphabet, but then someone didn't want to do the alphabet painting activity I had prepped for Monday morning. She literally said, "If it's painting letters, I don't want to do it."

Okay then.

Tuesday was actually pretty successful. We read the book Kite Day on YouTube, and then used dot markers to do a letter D hunt and decorate a diamond. Then, we decorated a construction paper kite because kites are diamond-shaped. And that activity counted toward our library's summer reading program!

And then Wednesday, my kid slept in, so our normal morning routine was all out of whack, and there were some meltdowns and time outs and it was just a bad day for both of us.

Being a work from home mom is HARD, y'all.

We did do a digging for bugs activity with dry beans and our Scoop-a-Bug Sorting Kit from Lakeshore Learning. That activity turned into my kid picking up beans and pouring water on them. So, you know....

Thursday morning we read the book The Paper Bag Princess, which was really cute. Our letter D dragon activity was not cute, and my daughter wondered where the paper bag activity was. So I got her one. And she did nothing with it.

Friday included a field trip. We read If You Give a Dog a Donut, and then drove through the Dunkin' Donuts drive-thru for donuts. I think all activities should involve food. We also attempted a decorate a donut paper plate.

The theme for Saturday was dinosaurs. We read Danny and the Dinosaur from our home library, and then did a dinosaur stamping activity with paint and our Duplo blocks, which just turned into my daughter dot markering on the dinosaur printables. Whatever! Saturday nights are our family movie nights, and it was my turn to pick the movie, so I went with The Good Dinosaur. Thank goodness for Disney+ right now.

And today's plan is to read Harry the Dirty Dog (check out the Betty White read-aloud on YouTube!) and do a diving ghost experiment for #sciencesunday. I also have to make a trip to a church to pick up our at-home Vacation Bible School supplies. That'll give us some more activities to do starting Wednesday.

So even though this week did not really go as planned, you can find more letter D and other alphabet activities on my Alphabet Summer and Kid School Pinterest boards. Good luck to you!
