Potty Training: Episode IV: No Hope?

I thought I should update you on the potty training saga. Yes, it's still on-going. I can't help but wonder at what point do we just put her in regular underwear and call it done?

Does she tell us when she needs to go? Yes.

Will she go on a big potty when we're not at home? No.

Does she still have accidents in her Pull-Ups? Yes.

Is she potty trained for overnight? No.

Is pooping still an issue? Yes.

Is there a checklist that I can fill out so we kind of know where we stand and how to continue moving things a long at a faster rate? No.

I know that every kid is different in terms of how quickly they potty train. And I know that I don't want to cause an issue by forcing her to sit on the potty, so for quite some time I've been following her cues instead of being a Potty Nazi.

It seems that maybe I need to use a little more force, though, because the past week hasn't been great. There has been a lot of pushback about sitting on the potty, a lot of peeing in our Pull-Up during naptime instead of attempting to go before nap, and a lot of peeing in our overnight diaper during the night instead of attempting to go before bed. She still won't pull her pants down or up on her own at home, though she refuses any help at daycare and is able to do it by herself. I know this because her teacher told me!

So yes, perhaps there needs to be a little more something from me. I need to put my foot down more and just hope that she realizes I'm doing it for her own good. She can't enroll at Monsters University without being potty trained!
