Printing Instagram Photos at Walgreens

It's been awhile since I posted any scrapbook layouts, so because I'm sure you're all clamoring to see what I've been up to, here it is.

Sad to say that since I returned from holiday (Sorry - I've been watching a lot of Season 3 of Downton Abbey), I haven't had much time to get scrappy. I did manage to get some pictures at Walgreens, and then I finished two layouts, but I didn't get pictures taken of them.

So here is a layout that I made before going on vacation. These are pictures from when I did yoga in Times Square back in June. I posted these pictures to Instagram, and then I was able to print them directly from Instagram in 4x4 size through the Walgreens photo app. Quite snazzy!

I would definitely recommend the Walgreens photo app to anyone who takes lots of pictures on their phones and/or uses Instagram. The app allows you to print photos directly from your photo stream, and the resolution comes out really well.


  1. Hey, my name is Laura and I blog about tips for displaying printed Instagram photos. I do lots of looking around searching for inspiration and it is so cool to see someone scrapbook their Instagrams! Awesome layout!! Happy scrapbooking!!

    1. Thanks so much, Laura!! I'm glad you found this blog post and stopped by. My motto is, if I'm going to take a picture of it, no matter what device I'm using, I'm going to scrapbook it!

  2. Thanks for sharing. I use Snapstagram to print instagram pics. Its quick and easy and to be frank, I do not want to give Walgreen's anymore of my money.


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