You already know that I love getting mail so imagine my excitement when I big package arrived at my front door featuring an array of scrapbooking goodies. Awhile back, a blogger that I follow (Jamie at
Inspired Mess) put out a call that she was giving away some of her scrapbook supplies and the first five people, I think, to email her would receive some goodies. I happened to be one of the first five and so that was really exciting. But it was even more exciting to tear open the packaging and take a look at all the goodies. I swear, it was like the neverending package! I was not expecting so much stuff!! It was seriously the coolest happy mail ever! And now my scrap stash is replenished with lots of neat stuff! Wahoo! Thanks Jamie!! Go visit Jamie's blog because she's always posting really cool stuff - giveaways, pictures of themed family nights that she creates for her kids, scrappy/crafty stuff. You'll definitely be inspired!

And, I promised this layout to you two weeks ago or something so here it is. Underneath the picture are all the ribbon flowers that I made. I had to adhere them to the page using brads and boy were my fingers killing me from getting poked with the stupid brad ends. I think you are really supposed to sew the ends of the flowers together but I don't own a sewing machine and I would have poked my fingers even more with the sewing needle if I had tried handstitching. Do they make thimbles for every finger?
This picture isn't the greatest but I just can't seem to get the lighting right. I think it's time we invest in a bigger scanner. :)
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