Scrapbook & Cards Today Inspiration - Spring Designer's Challenge - Scrapbook Process 274

Bonus scrapbook process layout! I'm sharing a new one in my Scrapbook & Cards Today Inspiration Series. This process video is a doozy - I ran out of adhesive AND I messed up my background and couldn't peel it off, so I had to start all over again. 

See? Even YouTube scrapbookers have bad days.

But I didn't let any of that stop my mojo. I was ready to create! So here's what I got:

This is my take on the designer's challenge from the spring 2022 issue of SCT magazine. Each issue, they challenge a few design team members to use specific supplies to create a layout. I purchased those same supplies (from Echo Park, Honeybee Stamps, and Simple Stories) and made this single-page birthday-themed scrapbook page.

I had seen Shimelle do something similar with the photo design during one of her September Lives, but I didn't have enough photos to copy her at the time. Once I got these birthday party photos printed, I knew that I could definitely cut some of them down to try and replicate what Shimelle did. (And because these are party photos with kids in them, that's why I've placed washi tape over faces.)

 I used two 2x3 photos on top and added a 2x3 tag. The middle row is a 3x4 photo with a horizontal 4x6, and the bottom row is one 3x4 with two 3x4 cut-aparts. You could easily substitute the cut-aparts for more photos if you have them.

I hope this was inspiring to you! Thanks for looking!
