Thank you, Rachael Ray

Thank goodness for Sunday morning cooking shows. While I was getting ready to go out grocery shopping, I happened to be watching Rachael Ray's show Week in a Day, which was only on Food Network that morning because it was a special Cooking Channel preview all day. ANYWAY.

I'm sitting there watching Rachael cook stuff and she makes this spinach salad with a homemade mustard-based dressing. I'm thinking, we have spinach in our fridge that needs to be used. We have all the other ingredients necessary for making this dressing. I'm totally making this!

And thus, a delicious Sunday night meal of gluten-free spaghetti in homemade alfredo sauce (I had heavy cream to use up.) with gluten-free Brazilian cheese buns (made from scratch) and Spinach Salad with Dijon Dressing. Yum-O indeed

Has Rachael Ray (or any other TV chef) inspired you at the last minute like this?
